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Tag Archives: Brazil

Cliff Korman & The Brazilian Tinge music – ¨Migrations¨

age-408 ” title=”Migrations Disc” src=”https://2012.photoireland.org/mb/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/ckmigrations.jpg” alt=”Migration disc cover” width=”400″ height=”400″ />

Disc cover of "Migrations" by Cliff Korman and The Brazilian Tinge

Cliff Korman & The Brazilian Tinge
Planet Arts 200321 (2004)
Time: 55’10”

Musical Watercolor

Reviewed by Egídio Leitão
December 2004

An accomplished jazz pianist and highly regarded educator who trained with Roland Hanna, Kenny Barron, and Ron Carter, Cliff Korman has developed numerous projects featuring Brazilian and American musicians for more than 20 years.

Migrations is Korman’s new album and another example of his long involvement with Brazilian music and, in particular, with choro. Working with Korman in Migrations we have the Brazilian Tinge, a dream team of musicians. Featured in this album are Billy Drewes (clarinet, sax), Luis Bonilla (trombone), Rob Curto (accordion), Andy Eulau (bass), Henrique Cazes (cavaquinho), Marcello Gonçalves (7-string acoustic guitar), Vanderlei Pereira (drums), Café (percussion), Beto Cazes (percussion), Cida Moreira (voice) and a chorus comprised of Murí Costa, Jane Balzana, Eduardo Ferrer, Malu von Krüger, Eliza Lacerda and Juliana Rubim. Arranging all music and on piano we have Cliff Korman, the force behind Migrations.

The title and title tune, as well as the cover design, are inspired by the great Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado’s photo exposition by that name, for which Cliff was invited to perform. From the liner notes, Cliff explains: “‘Migrations’ tapped into underlying currents of my forcibly displaced immigrant family: uprooting, survival, and transformation. . . double identity. . . aspects of my identity as a jazz player and the ways in which that manifests itself through Brazilian music.”


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