Migration Citizenship Eduacation is a powerful, user-friendly information platform developed by Network Migration in Europe e.V. which provides free online access to learning resources on migration, minorities and human rights in European Citizenship Education on a european and national level, current discourses on migration, minorities, asylum, citizenship, identities and human rights in transmigration and immigration societies in the past and present, diverse and similar experiences and conflicts shown through the country profiles of Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia, facilitated search for good practice projects and co-operation partners, support for all those involved in education, politics, culture, media and society, issues involving migrants and migration policies touch all levels of society in an enlarged Europe. Migrationeducation.org started its service in early 2007 and is updated regularly. Other country profiles and migration and minority issues are planned.
The portal www.migrationeducation.org wants to adhere to the demands for rapid and well-founded information on migration, minorities and human rights in past and present. New transnational perspectives, knowledge on inclusion and exclusion policies and practices of migrants and minorities in european societies, are needed in order to strengthen democracy and human rights.
The Webportal is based on a collection of learning resources on (Forced) migration and human rights in Europe´s past and present specifically designed to provide support to all those involved in education, politics, culture, media and society.
The portal is provided by Network Migration in Europe e. V. in cooperation with european partners:
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republik, Germany, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey