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Category Archives: Facts & Figures


This is Filip Spagnoli‘s blog about human rights – including political and economic human rights such as the right to participate in government (democracy being a subset of human rights) and the righ

t not to suffer poverty – seen from the perspective of politics, art, philosophy (hence p.a.p.), law, economics, statistics, psychology etc.

One of his posts contains LOTS of figures & facts related with migration. Here it is:


Migrations map

Migration Map- view of the website screen

Where a

re migrants coming from? Where have migrants left?


Migration Policy Institute

The MPI Data Hub showcases in-depth and latest data on immigrant trends and patterns in the United States and around the world. Research tools include US State Data on the Foreign Born, Ma

ps of the Foreign Born, the World Migration Map, Comparative Charts and Tables, the Global Remittances Guide, and asylum data.

To date, the Data Hub has compiled stock, flow, citizenship, asylum, and historical data for 17 countries, including the United States, as well as extensive data from the US Census Bureau and Department of Homeland Security that cover the numbers and characteristics of immigrant populations residing in and arriving to the United States every year. We work with demographers and government experts to bring the most accurate and relevant data on international migration and immigrant integration together in one place.

Jump to research tools available on the following topics: US Immigration, Immigrant Integration, European Migration, Migration and Development, and Refugee Protection.


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