title=”Migrating Art Academies book” src=”https://2012.photoireland.org/mb/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/migrating-art-academies-book-front.jpg” alt=”Migrating art academies book front” width=”400″ />
MigAA volume, titled Migrating:Art:Academies:
title=”Migrating Art Academies book” src=”https://2012.photoireland.org/mb/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/migrating-art-academies-book-front.jpg” alt=”Migrating art academies book front” width=”400″ />
MigAA volume, titled Migrating:Art:Academies:
The Migrating Art Academies (MigAA) project is an ongoing aggregate network of participating art academies, people and events. A radical departure from the traditional learning process within bricks-and-mortar, MigAA released a cadre of graduate art students for a series of mobile and located explorations that, literally, spanned Europe, from the Baltic beaches of Lithuania to the Gironde Estuary in France, the Tatras mountains of Slovakia and elsewhere. With public manifestations in Linz, Austria at the prestigious Ars Electronica festival, in Berlin at the Collegium Hungaricum, in Royan, France and numerous other places on the way, the students piloted their Media RVs (recreational vehicles) along the highways and byways of Europe.
The basic idea behind the project is to challenge the traditional and habitual artistic routines of the students in order to inspire their continued creative development. The Migrating Art Academies project is an attempt to juxtapose the digital, non-haptic, anonymous, collective, and virtual on one hand with the unique, corporeal, and individual on the other. The project concentrates on social and interpersonal communication and encounters between differing cultural habits. “The breach between locations are the breaches between the individuals’, as the Maître à penser of this project, Vilém Flusser, once stated in his writings on migration and nomadism.
The MPI Data Hub showcases in-depth and latest data on immigrant trends and patterns in the United States and around the world. Research tools include US State Data on the Foreign Born, Ma
ps of the Foreign Born, the World Migration Map, Comparative Charts and Tables, the Global Remittances Guide, and asylum data.
To date, the Data Hub has compiled stock, flow, citizenship, asylum, and historical data for 17 countries, including the United States, as well as extensive data from the US Census Bureau and Department of Homeland Security that cover the numbers and characteristics of immigrant populations residing in and arriving to the United States every year. We work with demographers and government experts to bring the most accurate and relevant data on international migration and immigrant integration together in one place.
Jump to research tools available on the following topics: US Immigration, Immigrant Integration, European Migration, Migration and Development, and Refugee Protection.
The International Migration Institute (IMI) is committed to developing a long-term and forward-looking perspective on international migration.
The Int
ernational Migration Institute (IMI) was established in 2006. It is a member of the Oxford Martin School and also forms part of the Oxford Department of International Development, where it is based.
It pioneers new theoretical and methodological approaches, working with researchers and policy-makers in the global South and North. Its aim is to advance understanding of the multi-level forces driving current and future migration processes.
IMI analyses migration as an instrinsic part of broader global transformation processes rather than a problem to be solved. Such understanding can provide the basis for policies designed to fully realise the potential benefits of migration for individuals and societies. We are interested in the following questions:
IMI has established collaboration with migration researchers across the world and is laying the foundations for research on some of the key challenges posed by migration in the 21st century.