Sponsors Dublin City Council Arts Council of Ireland Fire Canon Ireland


Migration in Europe – NORFACE research programme

NORFACENew Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe – is a partnership between fourteen research councils to increase co-operati

on in research and research policy in Europe. Over the five project years, the partners will engage in a range of initiatives designed to deliver new levels of co-operative research policy and practice.

In 2008-2009 NORFACE introduced a transnational research programme with the theme Migration in Europe – Social, Economic, Cultural and Policy Dynamics. The programme had a total budget of almost 29 million € and granted funding to twelve transnational projects. The objectives of the programme were:

  • To advance globally excellent theoretical and methodological disciplinary, inter-disciplinary and comparative research on migration which builds synergetically on a pan-European basis
  • To take advantage of and develop the informal laboratory of experience, knowledge and data which migration in Europe currently presents
  • To motivate and support excellence and capacity building for research on migration on a cross-national basis throughout the NORFACE countries
  • To develop understanding and promote research-based knowledge and insight into migration for issues of societal, practical and policy relevance, with theoretical foundations but worked on jointly with relevant users and experts.

101 Diasporas: Artists of Chinese Descent in Britain

101 Diasporas is the title of a project, incorporating an imminent publication and an online gallery and database, which has been undertaken by Sajid Rizvi with financial assistance from Arts Council England. The project is conceived

, designed, authored and curated by Sajid Rizvi, Publisher and Founding Editor of Eastern Art Report and Eastern Art Report Online.

101 Diasporas explores, examines and highlights the work of several generations of the artists of Chinese descent who are or have been resident in the United Kingdom. The project supplements the pioneering work already undertaken by EAR in the field.

Not only has each artist an almost unique story to tell of his/her artistic career–as no doubt can be expected–but also that each has a singular sense of belonging or not belonging, or what it means to be in diaspora.

Most remarkably, artists who have been born and brought up in Britain also feel that they are in a state of diaspora. Why? The purpose of the project is to bring together their stories, to publish them and to bring to global attention the work of these practitioners of art.

Are you a 101 Diasporas artist?

If you are a practicing artist based in Britain or have spent significant amounts of time in Britain and would like your work to be included in the project, please send an e-mail to Sajid Rizvi, or write to him at:
For more information write to:
Eastern Art Report Online
EAPGROUP International Media
P O Box 13666
London SW14 8WF
United Kingdom

Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog

What is forced migration?

Forced migration is defined by the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration as “a general term that refers to the movements of refugees and internall

y displaced people (people displaced by conflicts), as well as people displaced by natural or environmental disasters, chemical or nuclear disasters, famine, or development projects.”

What Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog is?

A service highlighting web research and information relating to refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and other forced migrants; provided by Elisa Mason

This Current Awareness Blog or CAB has been created to help you with the following tasks: 1) keep up with new publications, new journal and newsletter issues, new events and opportunities for professional development and learning, new web sites, and other relevant online resources; 2) track who’s doing what where in terms of research and publication; and 3) learn about online tools that can facilitate the search and retrieval of relevant information resources. So check in regularly or add this site’s feed to your favorite newsreader, and let the FM CAB help you navigate the forced migration information highway.

The author of this blog is Elisa Mason. She is an information specialist who focuses on forced migration issues. After receiving her Master’s in Library Science in 1991, she worked for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Washington, DC and Geneva, as well as the Refugee Studies Centre in Oxford. She has published a number of articles and guides on forced migration resources including the Guide to Forced Migration Resources on the Web, and most recently, Researching Forced Migration: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources. Some of her other publications are listed here.

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