Sponsors Dublin City Council Arts Council of Ireland Fire Canon Ireland

Sean Breithaupt, Crude

Sean Breithaupt, Crude

These images take a metaphorical look at climate change and environmental problems caused by new extreme methods of gas and oil extraction. Hydraulic Fracturing or Fracking is a new process of natural gas extraction involving the drilling of deep wells into the Earth. Millions of litres of water mixed with sand and thousands of chemicals, including known carcinogens and toxins are injected into the well at extreme pressure. This fractures the underlying shale rock formations and allows the natural gas to flow out of the well.

Sean Breithaupt

Sean Breithaupt is a professional photographer who is based in Dublin and works on a variety of personal, design and advertising projects. He has showcased work in the Communication Arts Photography Annual 2011 and Luerzers Archive 200 Best Ad Photographs 2011.