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Immigrant Magazine Online – Voice of Immigrants in America

The Immigrant Magazine is a publication focused on celebrating the contributions of immigrants to the American society as well as exploring their lifestyles and experiences. For the American immigrant looking for rich information source filled with useful, provocative, and relevant information, The Immigrant answers that need. The editorial content covers such topics as Immigration, education, health, career, entertainment, travel, family concerns as well as fashion, beauty and culture, profiles of immigrant achievers and celebrities.


Rich French leaving the country for the U.K.?

Wealthy French people are looking to London as a refuge from fresh taxes on high earners pledged by François Hollande – new elected president .

The “soak the rich” rhetoric that has punctuated the presidential campaign has prompted a sharp rise in the numbers weighing a move across the Channel, according to London-based wealth managers, lawyers and property agents specialising in French clients.

François Hollande wants to impose a tax rate of 75 per cent on income above €1m and at the launch of his bid in January said: “My true adversary in this battle has no name, no face, no party … It is the world of finance.”…

London’s status as an international finance hub as well as its proximity to France make it a natural choice for French professionals rattled by the campaign’s hostile mood towards the wealthy. Enclaves of French expatriates are firmly established in areas such as Belgravia and South Kensington, close to the Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle, a popular secondary school.

The departure of France’s business people, entrepreneurs and the young for opportunities overseas is not a new phenomenon. When Nicolas Sarkozy visited London in 2007 he called for its French residents to return to a reformed France under his presidency. But the trend has been accelerated by the victory in Sunday’s decisive second round of the presidential election.


Global Exchange

Global Exchange is an international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic and environmental justice around the world.

Global Exchange is tackling some of the most critical issues of our time— from limiting corporate power and greed to oil addiction and global climate change, from the exploitation of the current global economy to the creation of the local green economy. Our campaigns inspire people across the U.S. and around the world to resist injustice, envision alternatives, and take action.

“… the group that helped put labor rights on the human rights agenda”
– Washington Post
“angry and effective” – The Economist
“a respected human rights organization” – Boston Globe
Ranked in the “Top 20 Most Trusted NGOs” – Wall Street Journal

Global Exchange programs engage grassroots and indigenous communities, elected officials, international institutions, and community leaders around the globe to address the root causes of injustice. Our work employs diverse strategies to achieve sustainable and structural change; our programs work toward policy changes and corporate accountability through grassroots education and action. As an activist resource center, we advance our vision by working to empower people locally while connecting them globally.

Public education and coalition building are central to promoting civic engagement and a strong people’s movement that can forward political, economic and environmental justice. Global Exchange is educating the public about critical global issues from a grassroots, citizen perspective.

You can join Global Exchange on-line or contact Corey Hill in Global Exchange’s Development Department at (415) 255-7296 x 208 or by e-mail at corey@globalexchange.org.



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